How To Play All Of The Major Chords

Okay, we've looked at the four patterns that form any 7th chord.  Now let's look at major chords.  It works pretty much the same way. 
Figure 14. 
One pattern for three 
different major chords
Figure 15. 
Another major chord 
Figure 16. 
Yet another major  
chord pattern
Figure 17. 
Still yet another major  
chord pattern
As with the 7th  chords, there are a few optional fingering choices:  the D major chord can leave the first string unfretted (both an "A" and a "D" are part of the D major chord).  Same for the Eb chord fourth string and G chord fourth string.  The fingerings shown emphasize the repetitive patterns that form the major chords. 
UNIMPORTANT (but interesting) POINT:  Since an F chord and a G chord look so different on a chord chart, it's a little surprising that these two chords are actually played using the same pattern, as Figure 17 shows!  It's just that you usually play the G chord without fretting the fourth string (thus duplicating the second string's note instead of duplicating the first string's note), and you play the F chord allowing the nut to finger the first and third strings for you.  But fundamentally, underneath it all, it's the same pattern.
And, as we did with the 7th chords, we can use any of the four patterns to form any of the twelve major chords, by moving these patterns up and down the fretboard.  As an example, let's look at how the Bb chords can be formed: 
Figure 18.
All the Bb major chords
You can see that there's a lot of overlap between the third and fourth position Bb chords.  So let's use a dotted line to make it a little more clear that the two patterns are separate. 
Figure 19. 
All the Bb major chords
Note that the fifth and sixth positions of chord are just the first and second positions shifted up one octave. 

And, just like we did with the 7th chords, we can shift the major chord pattern sequence up the fretboard, creating the other major chords. 
Figure 20.
The major chords in different keys
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